Home / The Rix & Kay Blog / Eurojuris: Your European and Worldwide Legal Needs
Kathryn Paisley

Partner - East Sussex (Uckfield)

5th February 2024

Eurojuris: Your European and Worldwide Legal Needs

Did you know that Rix & Kay Solicitors has a long history of legal collaboration within the European Union and beyond, both before and after Brexit?

Rix & Kay is a proud member of a legal network called Eurojuris International, which was formed over 30 years ago. A visionary former (now retired) partner of the firm, Francis Wallace, saw the potential for expanding our network of contacts and the benefit of knowledge sharing with the nascent European Union even back then.

Since then, we have gone from strength to strength. Rix & Kay is one of the longest-term members of the network and we have had more than one partner on the board of the network itself, including most recently Kathryn Paisley, head of the corporate and commercial team at Rix & Kay, who came to the end of her three-year term of office in October 2023.

So what does Eurojuris International mean for me?

Well, this is where it gets interesting. What Eurojuris International means for our clients is an entire network of over 5000 lawyers and 600 law firms across Europe and the wider world, stretching out to the USA and far flung parts of Asia, at our fingertips. More than that, we can proudly say that we personally know a great many of the lawyers and law firms within the network, thanks to the biannual networking meetings arranged by Eurojuris International. Above all, this means that – if you ask us if we have a contact law firm somewhere else in the world, not only are we likely to be able to say “yes”, but we are also likely to be able to say “and we know the lawyers personally”. Friendly, collaborative European and worldwide legal advice is therefore just a ‘phone call away.

Contact Us

If you have any legal needs outside of the UK, please do not hesitate to give us a call and there is a good chance we will be able to send you in precisely the right direction to meet your requirements.

Kathryn Paisley is a German-speaking solicitor and is Head of the Corporate and Commercial team at Rix & Kay. If you have any European legal needs, please do not hesitate to get in touch with her on +44 (0)7729 690117 / +44 (0)1825 744447 or email her at kathrynpaisley@rixandkay.co.uk.