Home / The Rix & Kay Blog / Pro bono at Rix & Kay
Kathryn Paisley

Partner - East Sussex (Uckfield)

29th January 2024

Pro Bono at Rix & Kay

Rix & Kay Solicitors has a long history of supporting not-for-profit and charitable organisations, particularly (but not exclusively) those involved in grass root sports. Over the years we have sponsored, and continue to sponsor, numerous grass roots sporting clubs; our lawyers are involved in mentoring and coaching of young and disadvantaged people in the communities in which we live and work; and we are proud to have been able to offer pro bono legal services to a great many organisations over the years.

This tradition is not going to come to an end any time soon and Rix & Kay is once again delighted to announce that this financial year we have already allocated our entire annual fund for pro bono work to benefit the organisations most in need in our communities.

Every year, we set aside a fund for the purpose of providing reduced-cost or free legal services to organisations that need us and in this financial year alone we have already been able to assist multiple charities, not-for-profit organisations and grass roots sport.

Contact Us

If you, or someone you know, is part of a not-for-profit or charitable organisation that needs top-notch legal services but does not have a budget set aside for legal advice, do please get in touch with us and we would be delighted to see how we could help. We’ll be setting up our pro bono fund for the next financial year in April!

Kathryn Paisley is head of the Corporate & Commercial team at Rix & Kay Solicitors and would be delighted to discuss your needs. Do get in touch with her on M. 07729 690 117, T. 01825 744 447 or E. kathrynpaisley@rixandkay.co.uk.  Our charities and not-for-profit contacts are Alan Zeal on T. 01825 744 457 or E. alanzeal@rixandkay.co.uk and Richard Cripps on T. 01732 448 165 or E. richardcripps@rixandkay.co.uk, who would also be delighted to hear from you.